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A Word from Ms. Charlotte, School Owner

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 I decided to start my real estate school to use as a tool to not only help people get their real estate licenses but to also serve as a mentor while they go through the process and beyond. Most people take online real estate courses get their licenses and are not fully prepared to start a successful business   Many drop out after the first year because they  weren't prepared or don't  have support/encouragement to keep trying.  


At my school it's just the opposite while its my job  to help my students pass the real estate exam,  I also  make sure they know what to expect  and be prepared once they are licensed. I am very passionate about being a real estate professional that passion comes through in my teaching. I get to know my students personally and I hold them accountable ensure they achieve their career goals. The first assignment I give them is to write an essay about why they chose real estate. I let them know that with anything you must have a plan. Just about anyone can pass the test that 's easy it's the test after that where most people fail.  My experience in real estate is very unconventional in that I am self taught. I never worked in a large firm. I started with an independent broker and pretty much had to learn everything on my own. For me it wasn't too difficult because as luck would have it I have a very strong entrepreneurial spirit. Oh and I also graduated from the Sacramento Entrepreneurship Academy while in college. LOL.


I have always been a self starter from learning how to design and build my own websites, developing training programs within my company and now starting my own school.  I have never been the type of person who follows the crowd. I tell my students to think outside the box! Sometimes it's good to go left when everyone else is going right.  My experience of having ran a very successful brokerage for 19 years is a true testament of how to make it in the real estate business.


 I am transitioning now from real estate sales and management  because I want to make a difference and help make agents better by sharing my experience and mentoring without the stress of running a brokerage.  I want to spend time helping people find the kind of financial freedom and lifestyle I found as a real estate professional.  I see the differences I have made in the 5 years I have been teaching. I have had over 1000 students come through my school. Many of whom have written 5 star reviews about their experience in my classroom. That tells me I must be doing something right. I really like making a difference. My school is unique in that way because its personal. Teaching is my passion. 

Whether your are a self starter or need live coaching. I will teach you the everything you know to about real estate and help you pass the real estate exam the first time. It is my sincere hope that you  have an the enriching career that I have had in the real estate business.

CES Real Estate School is the San Francisco East bay Area's premier provider of real estate licensing education courses. Because many of our instructors are practicing real estate professionals themselves, we understand the needs of our students.  At CES Real Estate School you get more than an education; you get a strong foundation for your career.

Our teaching staff is here to help you meet the pre-licensing real estate requirements and pass the state exam. Receive the professional real estate training and specialized tools that will give your career an advantage.

Becoming a real estate agent is one of the best decisions you could ever make. A career in real estate can provide a great income, a flexible schedule and incredible investment opportunities. There are many ways to make money as a real estate agent or a Realtor, but while it is not hard to get your license, it takes diligence and dedication to become a successful agent. The great thing about being a real estate agent is you can make a lot of money if you work hard, have a plan and stick to it. You don't have to do everything yourself as an agent; joining a successful real estate team is a great way to jump-start your career and make more money.Get Your California Real Estate Agent's License 

Meet Our Team

Charlotte E. Saulter

Charlotte E. Saulter

School Owner and Administrator CA DRE LIC#01326966

S. Etzel

S. Etzel

Crash Course Instructor CA DRE LIC#01238962

Michelle Ridge

Michelle Ridge

Real Estate License Course Instructor CA DRE LIC#01250238

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