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Package Includes:

5 Day Rental

6 hours of Recorded Live Instruction

High Pass Rate 95%


Learn 7 Key Areas tested on State Exam

Free Exam Prep Booklet

Free Sample Test With 100 Questions and Answers


Thorough Presentation!

​​We take each section of the Real Estate Exam and break it down into knowledge areas so that you can have an in-depth understanding of the of terms, laws and regulations for the CA Real Estate License.


Our inside knowledge of what's covered, combined with our easy to learn exam mastery methods, ensure you are fully prepared

​​Area 1 – Property Ownership and Land Use Controls and Regulations

Approximately 15% of sales exam

​Area 2 – Laws of Agency and Fiduciary Duties

Approximately 17% of sales exam​

Area 3 – Market Valuation and Financial Analysis

Approximately 14% of sales exam

​Area 4 – FinancingApproximately

9% of sales exam​

Area 5 – Transfer of Property

Approximately 8% of sales exam

​Area 6 – Practice of Real Estate and Mandated Disclosures

Approximately 25% of sales exam​

Area 7 – Contracts

Approximately 12% of sales exam


​​These materials are continuously updated to provide the most current information.

For this reason, we encourage students to wait to enroll in the course the week before you are scheduled to take state exam.​​


Disclaimer:CES Real Estate School, Inc., abstains from any unauthorized reproduction of any portion of the actual Department of Real Estate licensing examination. Under no circumstance were any materials improperly removed from any actual licensing examination. All instructional materials are written and copyrighted by, and are the property of CES Real Estate School, and are used for the sole purpose of education and training.​​

6 hr Real Estate Exam Review Crash Course On Demand Rental

SKU: 263-5478-654
  • This session is not refundable. If you are unable to attend the session you can reschedule for a different date. This enrollment is good for 1 year

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