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Real Estate Principles Course Live Class

Class meets every Saturday morning 9am-1pm for 6 weeks in Vallejo Instructor C Saulter

Starts Jul 12
349 US dollars
CES Real Estate School Vallejo

Service Description

California Real Estate Principles Course. Earn 45 credit hours towards your real estate agent license. Class meets weekly on Saturday from 9am-2pm for 8 weeks. This class will move very quickly. It will require at least 2-3 hours per day of home study to complete reading material to be prepared for lecture on Saturday morning. REQUIREMENTS At least 90% Class attendance is required to receive full credit hours You are also required to complete 15 quizzes and One Final Exam on our Online Proctored Student Portal. Must achieve 60% of better on final to Qualify for 45 credits hours and certificate of completion. Students are responsible for completing all required class assignments and must achieve at least a 60% passing score on final exam in order to receive a certificate of completion. We will only be discussing related topics that are covered in your textbooks. ​If at the end of the class you have not finished you will have to retake the course again. No extensions will be given. DISCLAMER Results are not guaranteed and depends on the ability of each student to complete course materials during class period. We do not guarantee that with our program students will automatically pass the real estate exam or become successful real estate agents. We do provide the necessary tools and guidance needed to in order for the above mentioned to be attained. ​REFUND POLICY Our live class program is not refundable. If for whatever reason you are unable to attend a session you can reschedule to a different time at no charge. You may also transfer the class to someone else as long has class has not started.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

This course is not refundable or transferable. If you are unable to attend please contact our office to reschedule for a different date. You will have 6 months to reschedule your course.

Contact Details

  • 2103 Redwood Street, Vallejo, CA, USA


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